The Wandering Jew — Complete


       By Eugene Sue     

 Illustrations by A. Ferdinandus and Gustave Dore 










       A NOTE ON THE AUTHOR OF THE WANDERING JEW: EUGENE SUE        (1804-1857)     

       Time and again physicians and seamen have made noteworthy reputations as novelists. But it is rare in the annals of literature that a man trained in both professions should have gained his greatest fame as a writer of novels. Eugene Sue began his career as a physician and surgeon, and then spent six years in the French Navy. In 1830, when he returned to France, he inherited his father’s rich estate and was free to follow his inclination to write. His first novel, “Plick et Plock”, met with an unexpected success, and he at once foreswore the arts of healing and navigation for the precarious life of a man of letters. With varying success he produced books from his inexhaustible store of personal experiences as a doctor and sailor. In 1837, he wrote an authoritative work on the French Navy, “Histoire de la marine Francaise”.     

       More and more the novel appealed to his imagination and suited his gifts. His themes ranged from the fabulous to the strictly 
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