A Rose of a Hundred Leaves: A Love Story
“That is because you have appealed to Ulfar’s feelings instead of to his judgment. When Ulfar considers how savagely primitive these dalesmen are in their passions, he will understand that discretion is the nobler part of valour. In Russia he thought it a very prudent thing to get out of the way when a pack of wolves were in the neighbourhood.”

“The law will protect me in this house. Human beings have to mind the law.”

“There are times when human beings are a law unto themselves. How would you like to see a crowd of angry men shouting around this house for you? Think of your sister,—and of me, if I am worth so much consideration.”

“I am not to be frightened, Sarah.”

“Will you consider, then, that as far as Keswick and Kendal on one side, and as far as Dalton and Whitehaven on the other side, every local newspaper will have, or will make, its own version of the affair? 168 The Earl of Lonsdale, with a large party, is now at Whitehaven Castle. What a sauce piquante it will be to his dinners! How the men will howl over it, and how the women will snicker and smile!”


“Sarah! you can think of the hatefullest things.”

“And Lonsdale will go up to London purposely to have the delight of telling it at the clubs.”


“And the ‘Daily Whisper’ will get Lonsdale’s most delectable version, and blow it with the four winds of heaven to the four corners of the civilized world.”

“Sarah Sandys, I—”

“Worse still! that poor girl whom you treated so abominably, must suffer the whole thing over again. Her name will be put as the head and front of your offending. All her sorrows and heartbreak will be made a penny mouthful for country bumpkins and scandalous gammers to ‘Oh!’ and ‘Ah!’ over. Ulfar, if you are a man, you will not give her a moment’s 169 terror of such consequences. You may see that she fears them, by her sending her brother to entreat your absence.”


“And I must be called coward and runaway!”

“Let them call you anything they like, 
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