The Secret of the Ninth Planet
The Secret of the Ninth Planet

 A Science Fiction Novel

By Donald A. Wollheim

Jacket design by James Heugh

[Transcriber note: Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed.]

Cecile Matschat, Editor Carl Carmer, Consulting Editor

THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY Philadelphia Toronto

Copyright, 1959 By Donald A. Wollheim

By Donald A. Wollheim


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 59-5328

 Manufactured in the United States of America

For— Three denizens of this minor planet: Eleanor, Bill, and of course Janet.



 The Mysterious Ninth World Chapter 1. Special Delivery—by Guided Missile Chapter 2. The Valley of Stolen Sunlight Chapter 3. The Secret of A-G 17 Chapter 4. The Hidden Skyport Chapter 5. Up the Rope of Space Chapter 6. Sunward Ho! Chapter 7. Hot Spot on Mercury Chapter 8. The Veil of Venus Chapter 9. The Ocean Primeval Chapter 10. The Dying Planet Chapter 11. Martians Don't Care Chapter 12. At Rope's End Chapter 13. The Pole of Callisto Chapter 14. Rockets Away! Chapter 15. Ice Cold on Oberon Chapter 16. In Orbit Around Pluto Chapter 17. Stronghold of the Lost Planet Chapter 18. Sacrifice on the Sacred Moon Chapter 19. The Museum of Galactic Life About the Author Other Winston Science 
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