CHAPTER XXXVII I AM HEROIC CHAPTER XXXVIII A FIT OF THE SULKS CHAPTER XXXIX THE THING THAT SCRATCHED CHAPTER XL WANTED—A PENNY IN THE SLOT CHAPTER I THE EMPTY MAIL GIG I was only a young fellow when these things began to happen among us, but I remember very well the morning when it first came out about the Bewick carrier. He was postman, too, but had got permission to keep a horse and cart so that he might make a good little bit by fetching parcels and orders from town. Town to us meant East Dene, and Bewick, to which Harry went, lay away to the east among the woods and hills. It was a lonesome place, Bewick, and, indeed, is still, though now they have got a railway coming within eight miles or so. But the mystery of the Moat Wood happened before there was any talk of railways.