April Hopes
the midst of the pleasure the was giving and feeling she was all the time aware that her daughter had contributed but one remark to the conversation, and that she must be seeming very stiff and cold. She wondered what that meant, and whether she disliked this little Mr. Boardman, or whether she was again trying to punish Mr. Mavering for something, and, if so, what it was. Had he offended her in some way the other day? At any rate, she had no right to show it. She longed for some chance to scold the girl, and tell her that it would not do, and make her talk. Mr. Mavering was merely a friendly acquaintance, and there could be no question of anything personal. She forgot that between young people the social affair is always trembling to the personal affair.     

       In the little pause which these reflections gave her mother, the girl struck in, with the coolness that always astonished Mrs. Pasmer, and as if she had been merely waiting till some phase of the talk interested her.     

       “Are many of the students going to the race?” she asked Boardman.     

       “Yes; nearly everybody. That is—”      

       “The race?” queried Mrs. Pasmer.     

       “Yes, at New London,” Mavering broke in. “Don't you know? The University race—Harvard and Yale.”      

       “Oh—oh yes,” cried Mrs. Pasmer, wondering how her daughter should know about the race, and she not. “Had they talked it over together on Class Day?” she asked herself. She felt herself, in spite of her efforts to keep even with them; left behind and left out, as later age must be distanced and excluded by youth. “Are you gentlemen going to row?” she asked Mavering.     

       “No; they've ruled the tubs out this time; and we should send anything else to the bottom.”      

       Mrs. Pasmer perceived that he was joking, but also that they were not of the crew; and she said that if that was the case the should not go.     

       “Oh, don't let that keep you away! Aren't you going? I hoped you were going,” continued the young man, speaking with his eyes on Mrs. Pasmer, but with his mind, as she could see by his eyes, on her daughter.     

       “No, no.”      

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