To be in Heaven with God at home. To Ellena Boutwell. And is there another dear loved one for me? May a strong cord of union now bind me to thee? Would you call me your mother? Permit in return, That I call thee my child, and your history learn. Pleased with your demeanor, and turn of your mind, With attractions I seem to see in thee combined; But few would take interest in one of my age, Though he might be an artist, a bard or a sage. Though past man’s alloted threescore and ten years, Though I’ve passed through afflictions, in sorrow and tears, In feeling still young, and in sympathy true, I would have the world better for my passing through. I’m glad I have seen you; I’ve one more to love, On whom to ask blessings that come from above. This friendship new-formed—may it ever increase, And we find in Jesus true heavenly peace. To Aaron A. Smith, On his leaving to join the Army.