Moonshine & Clover
The Green Bird

The Man who Killed the Cuckoo

A Chinese Fairy-Tale

Happy Returns




'Wait!' they said, 'little sister, wait!'

They covered her up with feathers so fine;

And none went out, when there went back nine."

One night the Queen had a dream that made the half of her hair turn grey. She dreamed that she saw the Prince her son at the age of twenty lying dead with a wound over the place of his heart; and near him his foster-sister was standing, with a royal crown on her head, and his heart bleeding between her hands.

The next morning the Queen sent in great haste for the family Fairy, and told her of the dream. The Fairy said, "This can have but one meaning, and it is an evil one. There is some danger that threatens your son's life in his twentieth year, and his foster-sister is to be the cause of it; also, it seems she is to make herself Queen. But leave her[14] to me, and I will avert the evil chance; for the dream coming beforehand shows that the Fates mean that he should be saved."


The Queen said, "Do anything; only do not destroy the forester's wife's child, for, as yet at least, she has done no wrong. Let her only be carried away to a safe place and made secure and treated well. I will not have my son's happiness grow out of another one's grave."

The Fairy said, "Nothing is so safe as a grave when the Fates are about. Still, I think I can make everything quite safe within reason, and 
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