They answered, "Yes, we may all be free! Who will go down and peck out his heart? Then we shall be free." And the first who had spoken said, "I will go down!" "Do not fail, sister!" said all the others. "For if you fail you can speak to us no more." The first peahen answered, "Do not fear that I shall fail!" And she began stepping down the long boughs of the elm. The Prince lying below heard all that was said. "Ah! poor sisters," he thought, "have I found you at last; and are all these sorrows brought upon you for me?" And he unloosed his doublet, and opened his vest, making his breast bare for the peahen to come and peck out his heart. He lay quite still with his eyes shut, and when[21] she reached the ground the peahen found him lying there, as it seemed to her fast asleep, with his white breast bare for the stroke of her beak. [21] Then so fair he looked to her, and so gentle in his youth, that she had pity on him, and stood weeping by his side, and laying her head against his, whispered, "O, brother, once we lay as babes together and were nursed at the same breast! How can I peck out your heart?" Then she stole softly back into the tree, and crouched down again by her companions. They said to her, "Our minute of midnight is nearly gone. Is there blood on your beak! Have you our brother's heart for us?" But the other answered never a word. In the morning the peahens came rustling down out of the elm, and went searching for fat carnation buds and anemone seeds among the flower-beds in the garden. To the Prince they showed no sign either of hatred or fear, but went to and fro carelessly, pecking at the ground about his feet. Only one came with drooping head and wings, and sleeked itself to his caress, and the Prince, stooping down, whispered in her ear, "O, sister, why did you not peck out my heart?" At night, as before, the peahens all cried in chorus as they went up into the elm; and the Prince came and wrapped himself in his cloak, and lay down at the foot of it to watch. At midnight the eight peahens lifted their heads, and said, "Sister, why did you fail last night?" But their sister gave them not a word. "Alas!" they said, "now she has failed, unless[22] one of us succeed,