Buttered Side Down: Stories
icing, and you know yourself my fudges can't be equaled. He'll be playing in the major leagues in three years. Why just yesterday there was a strange man at the game—a city man, you could tell by his hat-band, and the way his clothes were cut. He stayed through the whole game, and never took his eyes off Rudie. I just know he was a scout for the Cubs." 

 "Probably a hardware drummer, or a fellow that Schlachweiler owes money to." 

 Ivy began to pin on her hat. A scared look leaped into Papa Keller's eyes. He looked a little old, too, and drawn, at that minute. He stretched forth a rather tremulous hand. 

 "Ivy-girl," he said. 

 "What?" snapped Ivy. 

 "Your old father's just talking for your own good. You're breaking your ma's heart. You and me have been good pals, haven't we?" 

 "Yes," said Ivy, grudgingly, and without looking up. 

 "Well now, look here. I've got a proposition to make to you. The season's over in two more weeks. The last week they play out of town. Then the boys'll come back for a week or so, just to hang around town and try to get used to the idea of leaving us. Then they'll scatter to take up their winter jobs-cutting ice, most of 'em," he added, grimly. 

 "Mr. Schlachweiler is employed in a large establishment in Slatersville, Ohio," said Ivy, with dignity.   "He regards baseball as his profession, and he cannot do anything that would affect his pitching arm." 

 Pa Keller put on the tremolo stop and brought a misty look into his eyes. 

 "Ivy, you'll do one last thing for your old father, won't you?" 

 "Maybe," answered Ivy, coolly. 

 "Don't make that fellow any promises. Now wait a minute! Let me get through. I won't put any crimp in your plans. I won't speak to Schlachweiler. Promise you won't do anything rash until the ball season's over. Then we'll wait just one month, see? Till along about November. Then if you feel like you want to see him——" 

 "But how——" 

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