"Not quite; you've got to be concerned—with me." "Which is what I deny." "Oh, denial won't do you any good. I didn't come to hear your denials, or your affirmations, either. I've come to tell you what to do." "But if I know that already?" "That's quite possible—if you mean to play your game as doubtless you've played it before. I only want to warn you—" I looked toward Mrs. Brokenshire for help, but her eyes were fixed on the floor, on which she was drawing what seemed like a design with the tip of her parasol. The greyhounds were stretched at her feet. I could do nothing but speak for myself, which I did with a calmness that surprised me. "Mr. Brokenshire," I interrupted, "you are a man and I'm a woman. What's more, you're a strong man, while I'm a woman with no protection at all. I ask you—do you think you're playing a man's part in insulting me?" His tone grew kind almost to affection. "My dear young lady, you misunderstand me. Insult couldn't be further from my thoughts. I'm speaking entirely for your own sake. You're young; you're very pretty; I won't say you've no knowledge of the world because I see you have—" "I've a good deal of knowledge of the world." "Only not such knowledge as would warrant you in pitting yourself against me." "But I don't. If you'd leave me alone—" "Let us keep to what we're talking of. I'm sorry for you; I really am. You're at the beginning of what might euphemistically—do you know the meaning of the word?—be called a career. I should like to save you from it; that's all. It's why I'm speaking to you very plainly and using language that can't be misunderstood. There's nothing original in your proceeding, believe me. Nearly every family of the standing of mine has had to reckon with something of the sort. Where there are young men, and young women of—what do you want me to say?—young women who mean to do the best they can for themselves—let us put it in that way—" "I'm a gentleman's daughter," I broke in, weakly. He smiled. "Oh yes; you're all gentlemen's daughters. Neither is there anything original in