ACT III—Scene I—The Forum. Scene II—Home of Virginius. Scene III—The Forum. [1] [1] VIRGINIA VIRGINIA A Tragedy A Tragedy ACT I. ACT I. Scene I—The Forum. Scene I—The Forum. A multitude of citizens gathered therein. Disturbance shown among them by sullen looks and murmurings. Four citizens, two in patrician and two in plebeian garments, confer together. 1st Cit. Enough, enough! I see we all agree Upon this common cause of our grievance; Our ranks, our unmixed blood, our differences, Are all forgotten—nay, methinks they shall In time together mingle when our blood Shall be poured forth in this most righteous cause. 2nd Cit. As ever art thou eloquent, O Marius, And just; Brutus himself were not more so. Patrician and plebeian, equalized By common woe, together whisper menace To those who work such havoc as, indeed, Was never known in Rome until to-day. 3rd Cit. Ye two are nobles; we, the commons are; Yet all are leveled by the grief we feel For Rome, our mother city, who so low Hath fall'n. Hark! the multitude itself Is wroth as we, yet, e'en as we, it lacks The courage needful for this fierce occasion. 4th Cit. Ay, list indeed! Mark how the murmur swells![2] [2] [They turn, and follow with their eyes the gaze of the Roman mob. Voices of lictors (without). Make way, ye Romans, way for the