Publius Pub. Forgive me, sir, if I refuse obedience: My heart o'erflows with duty to my father. Reg. Know, Publius, that duty's at an end; Thy father died when he became a slave. Man. Now urge thy suit, Hamilcar, we attend. Ham. Afric hath chosen Regulus her messenger. In him, both Carthage and Hamilcar speak. Man. (to Regulus.) We are prepar'd to hear thee. Regulus Ham. (to Regulus.) Ere thou speak'st, Maturely weigh what thou hast sworn to do, Should Rome refuse to treat with us of peace. Regulus Ere thou speak'st, Reg. What I have sworn I will fulfil, Hamilcar. Be satisfied. Pub. Ye guardian gods of Rome, With your own eloquence inspire him now! Ye guardian gods of Rome, Reg. Carthage by me this embassy has sent: If Rome will leave her undisturb'd possession Of all she now enjoys, she offers peace; But if you rather wish protracted war, Her next proposal is, exchange of captives;—— If you demand advice of Regulus, Reject them both! —— Ham. What dost thou mean? What dost thou mean? Pub. My father! My father! Man. Exalted fortitude! I'm lost in wonder.