At. Ah! cruel Publius, wilt thou leave me thus? Thus leave thy sister? Barce. Didst thou hear, Hamilcar? Oh, didst thou hear the god-like youth resign me? Didst thou hear, Hamilcar? Hamilcar Licinius Ham. Farewell, I will return. Lic. Farewell, my love![To Attilia. Farewell, my love! [To Attilia Barce. Hamilcar, where—— —— At. Alas! where art thou going? Alas! where art thou going? Licinius Lic. If possible, to save the life of Regulus. At. But by what means?—Ah! how canst thou effect it? Lic. Since the disease so desperate is become, We must apply a desperate remedy. Ham. (after a long pause.) Yes—I will mortify this generous foe; I'll be reveng'd upon this stubborn Roman; Not by defiance bold, or feats of arms, But by a means more sure to work its end; By emulating his exalted worth, And showing him a virtue like his own; Such a refin'd revenge as noble minds Alone can practise, and alone can feel.