Two Boys of the Battleship; Or, For the Honor of Uncle Sam

 With the valises in their possession our two boys of the battleship, as I shall begin to call them, felt a little less disheartened than at any time since the robbery. At least they had some belongings left, and if worst came to worst, they could sell or pawn their spare clothing, and so get money enough to tide them over their difficulties, or, provided they could not secure admission to the navy, until they could get work. 

 “And if we can’t get a job with Uncle Sam,” said Ned, as they were on their way down town again from the Pennsylvania Station, “maybe we can get on some ship that goes to the republic of Uridio.” 

 “What do we want to go down there for?” asked Frank. 

 “To see if we can’t prove Uncle Phil’s innocence,” was the quick answer. 

 “If we only could!” murmured Frank. “That would be fine! But I guess we’ll have to leave that to the lawyers and politicians.” 63 


 “Yes, I suppose so,” agreed his brother. 

 Our two rather lonesome boys, who greatly missed the kind ministrations of Mrs. Brun, the genial housekeeper, were made welcome by Sergeant Berk at his boarding house, which was not far away from the recruiting station. 

 Frank and Ned slept well in spite of being in a strange place, for they were very tired. It had been a hard day for them. But before turning in for the night Frank sent a letter to his uncle at the Atlanta federal prison, telling of the intention of himself and Ned to join the navy. 

 “And if we do, dear Uncle Phil,” Frank wrote, “and are lucky enough to be sent to Norfolk, we’ll try to come to see you.” 

 The next day Ned and Frank had to undergo a rigorous examination by a doctor. 

 “And what I don’t find out about you, if I pass you, the medical officer at the training station will, and he may turn you down,” said the physician, grimly. 

 “Well, we’ll hope for the best,” said Frank. 

 Neither he nor his brother really feared the examination. They had passed the first requirements, 
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