Charles' Journey to France, and Other Tales
I linger on the stairs;

I lie and weep;

I cannot sleep;

I scarce can say my prayers.

But she will come,

She'll be at home

To-morrow night, and then

I hope that she

Will never be

So long away again.

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Dogs are very useful creatures, and they are much attached to man. Some of them will play with little boys, will run after a ball and bring it back to their playfellow. Spaniels or water dogs will bring sticks which are thrown into the water. Some carry baskets. They do many useful and amusing things for their masters.

[Pg 50]There is a large house upon the top of a mountain, in Italy, in which a great many people live, called monks. The house is called a convent. These monks have a very fine breed of dogs, called the dogs of St. Bernard. They are a very large fine looking dog, very strong and very bold, and yet very kind. Not cross, like some 
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