Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume III
 Lady Ab. And now, dear Inez, now that all's prepared For thy long homeward journey, one more kiss. Salute thy father, and bear well in mind All I have taught thee. When thou hast arrived Write to me straight to say that thou art safe. Thou, Pedro, do thy duty towards thy charge. And, Inez, love, thou'lt think of me sometimes, And should chance ever bring thee by this way, Thou'lt come and see me, eh? And now farewell. I dare not keep thee longer. Bless thee, Inez. Adieu; the saints protect thee. Go in peace.      [Embracing her. Inez. Farewell, kind aunt, farewell.

Lady Ab.

[Embracing her.


[Exeunt Lady Abbess and Inez weeping, Pedro following.


Scene I.—A country inn in the Sierra Nevada. A table spread under a vine.

Scene I.

Enter Don Alfonso and Don Pascual.

Don Alfonso

Don Pascual

 D. Pas. Must thou then really leave me and return 423To Salamanca to resume thy studies? Alas! to think that thou shouldst go alone, And that I dare not bear thee company. Tell me, Alfonso, think'st thou the police Are ever on my track, or else that they Have now given up all strict and diligent search, Some weeks having passed o'er since the fatal deed? D. Alf. I would not counsel thee yet to return. Too many rash deeds have been done of late For the law to lie much longer passive; Besides, the man you murdered was a count, A great hidalgo, and of haughty race; His family will leave no stone unturned Until this murdered member is avenged. D. Pas. Murdered! say'st thou again? 'Twas in a duel. D. Alf. Murder or homicide, 'twill go ill with thee, An thou fall'st in the clutches of the law. In good time thou leftest Salamanca. But live and learn; I did ever tell thee Thou wast over ready with thy weapon. What! For a hasty word said in hot blood Must thou be ever quarte, and tierce, and thrust? D. Pas. Hold, friend, but you must know the case was thus— I met Count Pablo——  D. Alf. I know the story. 424The count was stern and haughty as thyself, Nor made allowances for 
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