Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume III
Scene II.

 Gip. Q. This way she comes. Now to your work; but mark! Exceed not my commands. Do her no harm, Show yourselves loyal to your queen, as men, And not wild beasts. Several Gipsies. Queen, thou shalt be obeyed. 

Gip. Q.

Several Gipsies.

Queen, thou shalt be obeyed.

Enter Donna Inez and Pedro, on mules.

Donna Inez


 Ped. Cheer up, fair mistress. Banish idle fears. Already we've accomplished half our journey. Ere sundown we'll have reached your father's castle. 434So follow me. Fear not. And as for dreams, They are all vain, and bred of convent fare— Sickly disease engendered in the mind By monkish legends and low superstition, Unworthy ladies of your rank. Look ye! I, Pedro, now am old, and yet I never Have known a dream of mine that did come true. No, my young mistress, take Pedro's word for't, All dreaming is unhealthy—a bad sign. Live well, sleep soundly, and you'll dream no more. Dreams proceed but from impaired digestion. Take my advice and give no heed to them.



[Gipsies advance suddenly and seize the bridles.

 First Gipsy. Hola! there, good people. Halt and dismount!

First Gipsy.

[Inez screams and falls against Pedro.

 Inez. Pedro, protect me. Oh, holy Virgin! Oh, blessed saints and souls in purgatory! Have mercy on us, or we're lost, O God! Pedro, dost hear? Assist me. Fly! Call. Help! Ped. Help, help! To the rescue, I say. What ho! Second Gipsy. Any attempt at flight or cry for help Is vain, and may prove fatal. Come, dismount. Inez. Oh, saints! The very faces, I declare, 435That I saw in my dream—and dreams are false. Holy Virgin, protect us. Help, I say! Third Gipsy. Ay, call upon your saints. Call on, call on! And see if they'll come to your 
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