Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume III

A Gipsy.

There, low he lies.





Gip. Q.

Here, girl, take this balsam.

[Inez commences binding up Pascual's head. The gipsies retire a few paces. The Gipsy Queen fetches water in a gourd.

 Quaff from this gourd, young man. The flowing rill Doth yield thee medicine.    [Pascual drinks. Ha! what is this? Shade of my father Djâbel! it is he! My long lost son! my own, my valiant boy: Methought I knew that semi-gipsy form. The very ring, too, wrought in virgin gold And graven o'er with mystic hieroglyphics— An heirloom of our tribe that I him gave With my maternal blessing years gone by, And he hath kept till now. God, I thank thee. Oh, how I long to press him to this breast! This breast that nurtured him and gave him strength! But patience; too precipitous a step 441May mar my plans. Enough, I've found my son. Oh, ye great Powers that move earth and heaven, Accept a mother's thanks! I faint for joy. First Gipsy. How far'st thou, noble Queen? Thou art not well. Gip. Q. Nay, marry, I am well. I'm over well.      [Staggering. Second Gipsy. Look to our queen. She faints. Art wounded, queen? Gip. Q. (Mastering herself.) Nay, look, I faint not. I am very well. Third Gipsy. Some strong emotion seems to have stirred our Queen But yet she masters it. How brave a spirit! 

[Pascual drinks.

Ha! what is this?


First Gipsy.

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