The Girl From His Town
37 dancer’s, white as the leaves of a lily. She seemed to swim and float; actually to be breathed and exhaled from out her filmy gown; and the only ray of color in her costume was her own golden hair, surmounted by a small coral-colored cap, embroidered in pearls. The actress bowed to the right and left, ran to the right, ran to the left; glanced toward the Duchess of Breakwater’s box; acknowledged the burst of applause; began to dance and finished her pas seul, and with folded hands sang her song. Her beautiful voice came out clear as crystal water from a crystal rock, and her words were cradled like doves, like boats on the boundless seas.... 


 “From  India’s  coral  strand....” 

 But there was no hymn tune to this song of Letty Lane’s in Mandalay! To the boy in the box, however, the words, the tune, the droning of the flies on the window-pane, the strong odor of the hymn-books and panama fans, came back, 38 and the clear sunlight of Montana seemed to steal into the Gaiety as Letty Lane sang. 


 The Duchess of Breakwater clapped with frank enthusiasm, and said: “She is a perfect wonder, isn’t she? Oh, she is too bewitching!” 

 And she turned for sympathy to her friend, who stood behind her, his face illumined. He was amazed; his blue eyes ablaze, his head bent forward, he was staring, staring at the Gaiety curtain, gone down on the first act. 

 He laughed softly, and the duchess heard him say: 

 “Good! Well, I should say she was! She’s a girl from our town!” 

 When the duchess tried to share her enthusiasm with Dan he had disappeared. He left the box and with no difficulty made his way as far as the first wing. 

 “Can you get me an entrance?” he asked a man he had met once at Osdene and who was evidently an habitué. 

 “I dare say. Rippin’ show, isn’t it?” 


 Dan put his hand on ducal shoulders and followed the nobleman through the labyrinth of flies. 

 “Which of ’em do you want to see, old man?” 

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