Daddy would say.” “Julie, don’t you be afraid; we’ll just do everything—somehow!” Hester flung out her young arms with a sweeping movement as if she meant to gather in all their perplexities and conquer them. “If Dr. Ware will help us and advise us, we’ll try to get our feet down on something—somewhere. Yours aren’t very big,” she said, with a piteous attempt at her old lightness, “but mine are. I feel just now as if I were standing on my head, it is all so sudden and so terrible!” 20 20 Dr. Ware rose and put on his coat. “I think you have heard enough for one day,” he said. “You seem to be such surprisingly independent young women that I do not know just how I am going to deal with you. But you are to remember this, mind, that whatever I have is yours—everything—though I shall not thrust it upon you. If you have ideas of your own and wish to carry them out, I will help you in every way in my power. Now I am off,” he added, briskly, “and don’t you worry too much. We have many days yet to talk things over and decide what is best to do.” Julie tried to say something, but ended by burying her face in his coat sleeve and sobbing quietly. Hester fiercely bit her lip and gulped down the tears that threatened to choke her. “You are the kindest, best—” she began. “Tut, tut, nonsense!” said the Doctor. “Not a word like that, or I shall desert you entirely.” And with a frown on his face that was half a smile he left the room. 21CHAPTER III 21 “Julie, it is too absolutely appalling to realize!” Hester pressed her nose against the window and looked out over the river dejectedly. A fresh September gale was blowing, ruffling the surface of the water into miniature waves and rattling the window panes with a suggestion of autumn days to come. Julie shivered a little, and crossed to the fireplace, where a few pine logs sputtered on the hearth. She looked down without seeing them. Her thoughts were turned within. “Julie! do say something!” exclaimed her sister. “I can’t bear to have you so still.” “I am thinking, dear; trying to grasp what it all means.” “Julie, what can we do?” “Do? Well, we will do something.”