Mrs Ireton. [Pg 572] [Pg 572] CHAPTER LXIV Harleigh, confused, disconcerted, remained motionless; but when the conscious Juliet would have glided silently past him, he entreated for a moment's audience. 'Oh no, Mr Harleigh, no!' she cried: 'these are scenes and alarms, that must be risked no more!—' She was hurrying away; but, upon his saying, 'Hear me, at least, for Elinor!' she turned back. His eye, now reproached even her compliance; but he rapidly communicated his opinion, that the conference demanded by Elinor ought, in prudence, for the present, to be avoided; since, while she had still some favourite object in view, life, would, unconsciously, be still supported. Time, thus, might insensibly be gained, not only for eluding her fatal project, but happily, perhaps, for taming the dauntless wildness that made her, now, seem to stand scoffingly at bay, between life and death. Juliet saw nothing to oppose to this statement, and thanking him that, at least, it liberated her, was again hastening away. 'Hold, hold!' cried he, stopping her: 'it is not from me that it must liberate you! Elinor has ratified the restoration of your word—' 'Oh, were that all!—' she cried, hastily; but, stopping short, deeply blushing, 'Mr Harleigh,' she added, 'compel me not to repeat declarations that cannot vary!—Aid me rather, generously,—kindly, shall I say?—aid me,—to fly, to avoid you,—lest you become yourself ...' her voice faltered as she pronounced, 'the most fatal of my enemies!' The penetrated Harleigh, charmed, though tortured, saw her eyes glittering with tears; but she forced her way past him, and took refuge in her chamber. There, in deep anguish, she was sinking upon a chair, when she[Pg 573] received the gentle balm of a letter from Gabriella, written with exstatic joy at the prospect of their re-union. [Pg 573] This decided her plan of