and drawn out. They watched the proceedings until the sun went down, when tired[Pg 56] and hungry, they crossed the street, entered a coffee house, and ate a hurried supper. [Pg 56] As they were moving out the doorway, Ralph stopped. Turning to Alfred, he said: "We are chumps; that's about the size of it." "Why so?" asked Alfred. "We have the permits, haven't we? Why are we waiting for that fellow at the station to get us an assignment?" replied Ralph. "That's a fact; let's make our own assignment; come on," answered Alfred. "Is this train going south?" he asked, addressing a soldier who was about to enter a half-filled compartment. "Aw! I dare say it is," was the jolly response. "Get aboard," said Alfred. Unabashed, they swung themselves up on the running board, and entered the compartment. The occupants glanced at them for a moment, and seeing the trim uniforms, at once became inquisitive. "How did you happen to be directed to this train?" asked one of them. "Oh, we attended to that ourselves," said Alfred. "Our permit's all right, but we couldn't wait for them to make up their minds when we ought to go; so here we are," said Ralph, with a laugh. "Well, you fellows'll do; but it's a long way to Tipperary," said a voice, which trailed off into the tune of the well-known song. His companions chimed in, and it was not long before the occupants of the adjoining compartments joined in[Pg 57] the song. It was a jolly crowd, but no one seemed to know where they were going. All had heard of the rapid advance of the Germans toward Paris, and that General French was trying to impede their advance somewhere to the south. [Pg 57] It was fully nine o'clock that night before the train made a real start. Before that time they were pushed around on the various sidings for an hour, and it was a relief to see the fields and feel the continual motion of the train as it finally speeded away. There was no time for talk now. Each tried to find a comfortable place in order to get some sleep. They dozed and dozed, as most people are liable to do in uncomfortable