The Boy Volunteers with the French Airmen

Reaching the highway, they moved along with the procession, and, shortly before twelve o'clock, reached Crepy, ten miles from Soissons. They were now twenty-five miles from the center of Paris, and after getting a good meal they again took up the march over a beautiful road, which ran southeast.

[Pg 72]

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A mile from the town they came within sight of a cross road, filled with an immense concourse, which seemed to be wending its way east. Approaching nearer, they recognized troops, artillery and horsemen, the latter moving along in the fields parallel with the roadway.

"It seems to me the firing is much nearer than when we started out this morning," said Ralph.

As they passed through the marchers, and proceeded along the highway, they saw that troops were noticed posted everywhere, and that batteries were lying in wait in every advantageous spot.

"I think we made a mistake in taking this road. We should have traveled the one which went to the west," said Ralph.

"Then let's go out the first road that crosses this," replied Alfred.

Meanwhile the sounds of battle came nearer and nearer. The artillery posted on the elevation began to speak, and before there was time to realize it the boys were within the battle zone, and bearing down on the road along which they were traveling.[Pg 73] They had no trouble, however, in leaving the road, as all the fences were down, and many of the fields were cut up with the hoofs of horses, and creased by the huge artillery wheels.

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To add to the confusion, shells began to fall all about them, and occasionally a terrific explosion would follow, leaving them dazed and startled. They ascended a hill, and, looking back, saw nothing but dense clouds of smoke, and a scene of indescribable confusion.

"What's that down there?" shouted Alfred, pointing to a group of vans close by the side of a stream.

"That must be a Red Cross station; so it 
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