Strange Stories
on this plea for my trespass on their legitimate domains, and allow me to occupy in peace a little adjacent corner of unclaimed territory, which lies so temptingly close beside my own small original freehold.

I should add that "The Reverend John Creedy," "The Curate of Churnside," "Dr. Greatrex's Engagement," and "The Backslider," have already appeared in the Cornhill Magazine; while "The Foundering of the Fortuna" was first published in Longman's Magazine. The remainder of the tales comprised in this volume have seen the light originally in the pages of Belgravia. I have to thank the courtesy of the publishers and editors of those periodicals for kind permission to reprint them here.

 G. A. The Nook, Dorking, October 12, 1884. 

G. A.

The Nook, Dorking,

The Nook, Dorking

October 12, 1884.


The Reverend John Creedy

Dr. Greatrex's Engagement

Mr. Chung

The Curate of Churnside

An Episode in High Life

My New Year's Eve among the Mummies

The Foundering of the "Fortuna

The Backslider

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