Bass. Here, here, my Soul, my charming Dear. Aur. thrusts him off. Hold off—Approach me not— urge not my Rage, Or with this Dagger I'll revenge my Wrongs On thy perfidious Heart——But, oh! his Heart's too hard, Even for temper'd Steel—Therefore I'll sheath it here. urge not my Rage, —— [Offers at her Breast: Bassino snatches the Dagger, and throws himself at her Feet in a distracted Manner. Bass. Oh! hold——forbid it Gods! I am the Cursed Cause, and I must die. Oh! who could bear my Load of mortal Woe! Ye heavenly Powers bestow the Stroke of Grace, And rack Bassino: Let your vengeful Thunder Now crush my guilty Head——Or thou, Oh! Parent Earth, Open thy Bosom, and conceal my Crime. [Tears the Ground. —— —— [Tears the Ground. Aur. Is he then mine again! [Falls down. Look up, my Lord, my Love, my Life! My dear Bassino! 'Tis Aurelia calls. Let me for ever fold thee in my Arms, And beg thoul't never speak of parting more. [Falls down. [Embraces him. Both rise and embrace in an Extasy. Bass. Oh! never, never—— The Poles shall meet, the Sun and Moon invert Their wonted Motion e're I part from thee. I fondly try'd how much I was belov'd, And since you're true, my Bliss is now compleat. —— Aur. Was't but a Trial? then my Griefs are vanish'd, And I am lost in Joy——Bassino's mine. —— [They embrace again. Bass. Thine, thine for ever: And this happy Day, Shall end Aurelia's Fears——Ha—— This Day, said I, but where's Placentia then? My Wife Placentia! Little does she think What Baseness I intend—Oh! racking Thought! But 'tis resolv'd, I'll change nor think no more: I'll try to plunge, and reach the blissful Shore; And if I sink, yet still this Hope's my Friend, I'll snatch my Treasure e're