Bass. 'Tis now the Time——but whither do I go? Shall I a Maid, a Wife, a Friend betray? No matter—— All Arguments are vain, where Love bears Sway. [Exit Bassino. —— —— [Exit Bassino. A SONG. They bid Mankind beware, 'Tis then they would ensnare. Thais By frowning on her Lovers, When she her Charms discovers. Piz. Come now, Gentlemen and Ladies, be pleas'd to walk into the next Room, and take a small Collation—But where's my Lord Bassino? Come, Gentlemen, he's gone before us. Arm. Where we will quickly follow. (Aside.) Alonzo, a Word with you— [Exit Omnes. [Exit Omnes. SCENE II. A Chamber in Aurelia's House. Two Arm-Chairs. Aurelia sola. Aur. I wonder much at my Bassino's Stay: Oh! Love! how swiftly fly thy Hours away When we are blest! How tedious are thy Minutes When cruel Absence parts two longing Lovers! Enter Florella. Is my Bassino come? speak—— —— Flor. No, Madam, a young Stranger desires to speak with you: He says, you are not acquainted with his Name, but will soon with his Business, which is something of great Import, that can be told to none but yourself.