Jewel Mysteries, from a Dealer's Note Book
The Necklace of Green Diamonds

The Comedy of the Jeweled Links

Treasure of White Creek

The Accursed Gems

The Watch and the Scimitar

The Seven Emeralds

The Pursuit of the Topaz

The Ripening Rubies

My Lady of the Sapphires

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Dark was falling from a dull and humid sky, and the lamps were beginning to struggle for brightness in Piccadilly, when the opal of Carmalovitch was first put into my hand. The day had been a sorry one for business: no light, no sun, no stay of the downpour of penetrating mist which had been swept through the city by the driving south wind from the late dawn to the mock of sunset. I had sat in my private office for six long hours, and had not seen a customer. The umbrella-bearing throng which trod the street before 
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