The Slipper Point Mystery
around the bend of the river, there slid into sight a red canoe, paddled vigorously by one person sitting in the stern. The girl in the prow of the rowboat sat up and stared intently at the approaching canoe.

"There it is," she announced to her younger sister. "The first canoe Dad's hired this season. Wonder who has it?" The baby made[Pg 6] no reply and placidly continued to suck her thumb, her older sister being too absorbed to notice the forbidden occupation.

[Pg 6]

The canoe approached nearer, revealing its sole occupant to be a girl of fourteen or fifteen, clad in a dazzlingly white and distinctly tailored linen Russian blouse suit, with a pink satin tie, her curly golden hair surmounted by an immense bow of the same hue. She beached her canoe skilfully not six feet away from the rowboat of the occupied prow. And as she stepped out, further details of her costume could be observed in fine white silk stockings and dainty patent leather pumps. Scarcely stopping to drag her canoe up further than a few inches on the sand, she hurried past the two in the rowboat and up the broad steps to the pavilion.

"You'd better drag up your canoe further," called out the barefooted girl. "It'll float away if you leave it like that."

"Oh, I'm coming right back!" replied the other. "I'm only stopping a moment to get some candy." She disappeared into the pavilion[Pg 7] and was out again in two minutes, bearing a large box of candy, of the most expensive make boasted by Carter's Landing. Down the steps she tripped, and crossed the strip of sand toward her canoe. But in front of the occupied rowboat she stopped, drawn perhaps by the need of companionship on this beautiful but solitary afternoon.

[Pg 7]

"Have some?" she asked, proffering the open box of candy. The barefooted girl's eyes sparkled.

"Why, yes, thanks!" she answered, and gingerly helped herself to one small piece.

"Oh, take some more! There's plenty!" declared her companion, emptying fully a quarter of the box into her new friend's lap. "And give some to the baby." The younger child smiled broadly, removed her thumb from her mouth and began to munch ecstatically on a large piece of chocolate proffered by her sister.

"You're awfully kind," remarked the older girl between two bites, "but what'll your mother say?"

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