The Slipper Point Mystery
overpoweringly sweet, and a robin sang insistently on the farther shore. Even the thoughtless children were unconsciously swayed by the quiet beauty of the day and place.

"Do you know," commented Doris, "I like[Pg 15] it here. Really I like it a lot better than any other place we've ever been. And I've only been here two days. Do you live here all the year round?"

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"Yes, but it isn't half so nice in winter," said Sally; "though the skating's good when it's cold enough. But I get awfully tired of all this all the time. I'd love to live in New York a while. There's the island," she indicated. "You can see that from most anywhere on the river. It's pretty, but there isn't anything much interesting about it. I think I've explored every inch of this river 'cause I've so little else to do in the summer. Genevieve and I know more about it than the oldest inhabitant here, I reckon."

There was something about the way she made this last remark that aroused Doris's curiosity.

"Why do you say that?" she demanded. "Of course it's all lovely around here, and up above that bridge it seems rather wild. I went up there yesterday in the canoe. But what is there to 'know' about this river or its shores?[Pg 16] There can't be anything very mysterious about a little New Jersey river like this."

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"You wouldn't think so to look at it," said Sally, darkly. "Especially this lower part with just the Landing and the hotel and the summer bungalows along the shore. But above the bridge there in the wild part, things are different. Genevieve and I have poked about a bit, haven't we, Genevieve?" The baby nodded gravely, though it is doubtful if she understood much of her older sister's remark.

"Oh, do tell me what you've found?" cried Doris excitedly. "It all sounds so mysterious. I'm just crazy to hear. Can't you just give me a little hint about it, Sally?"

But the acquaintance was too new, and the mystery was evidently too precious for the other to impart just yet. She shook her head emphatically and replied:

"No, honestly I somehow don't want to. It's Genevieve's secret and mine. And we've promised each other we'd never tell any one about it Haven't we, Genevieve?"

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