dropped to the floor as a crew of repair men went to work on the ship. Narvi slapped Lors on the arm. “I’m going below for a drink. Join Me?” Lors shook his head. “No, thanks. I might be down a bit later, but right now I’d best talk to the Commander.” “Right. Just don’t tell him that you’re thinking of jilting his only daughter for an alien, or he’ll turn four different shades of purple.” Lors grinned and watched the big blond stride away to the elevator that would take him down to the bar on the first level. Then he walked off in the opposite direction, heading toward the [p109] forward end of the ship where he would find his “future” father-in-law, Commander Zark. Spacers, in the gleaming halls, saluted him in the traditional manner - a hand clasped to the hip that held their holstered auto-pistol - and it was a good feeling. He had almost forgotten. [p109] [p ] The Commander’s guards stopped him outside the door, but when he explained who he was and what he wanted, they nodded in unison. One of them pressed a button which opened the door to the vestibule outside the Commander’s office. Lors stepped inside and the door hummed shut behind him. The vestibule was little more than a box-like room, containing a small visi-screen. He pressed the small, black button at the base of the dark screen and kept his finger on it while the lines waved. “Firstspacer Lors to see the Commander,” he said, as the rotund face of his future father-in-law waved and blurred into focus. “Come in, Lors! Come in!” Zark’s voice was a bellow of pleasure. The heavy door swung open and Lors stepped into the room to click his heels and slap his right hand against the black holster before the Commander’s desk. “Firstspacer Lors reporting, sir,” he said, as Zark got up from the chair and came toward him. “Lors, Lors, my son! How are you?” They grabbed each other by the shoulders and laughed like children. Lors, despite his love for Beth Danson and the trouble that was undoubtedly coming up, was happy as a Terran child at Christmas to see the older man.