In White Raiment
representative of her Majesty, a tall, good-looking man in a cool suit of white linen.To him I related the whole circumstances.  He listened, but smiled now and then with an air of incredulity.  I told him of the murder, of the manner in which my life had been twice attempted, and of the remarkable circumstances of my abduction.

"And you say that you were taken on board the _Petrel_," he said reflectively.  "I know Captain Banfield quite well.  He is a strict disciplinarian, an excellent sailor, and is held in high esteem by his men.  We must hear his explanation of the affair at once.  If what you have said is true, it is certainly most remarkable."

I drew the trinket with the golden chain from my pocket, together with the crumpled note, and showed them to him.

"Strange," he remarked.  "Most extraordinary!  I'll send down to the docks for Banfield at once;" and, calling a clerk, he dispatched him in a cab.

In the meantime, in response to his questions, I gave him the most minute details of the startling affairs, as well as the ingenious manner in which Beryl Wynd had been murdered.  I knew that the story when related sounded absolutely incredible; but it was equally certain that the Consul, at first inclined to doubt my statement, had now become highly interested in it.

I remarked upon the extraordinary mystery, and its features which seemed to stagger belief.

"But you are a medical man of considerable attainment, I notice from your card," he resumed.  "I have no reason to doubt your story.  It is rather a matter which should be strictly inquired into.  Any person abducted from England, in the manner you have been, has a right to seek protection and advice of his consul."

And we continued chatting until, after a lapse of nearly half an hour, the captain of the _Petrel_, wearing his shore-going clothes, was ushered in.

"Good morning, sir!" he exclaimed, addressing the representative of the Foreign Office, but taking no notice of my presence.  "You've sent for me?"

"Yes, Captain," the Consul responded rather severely.  "Kindly sit down. There is a little matter upon which you can throw some light.  You know this gentleman?"--and he indicated myself.

"Yes, sir.  I know 'im."

"Well, he has lodged a very serious complaint against 
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