mysterious Parisian fashion, not easily imitated. What an arrant little flirt was dark-eyed Emily Varian. The smile that Nan had evoked deepened as Farr noted the rapt expression on Dudley's face as he bent over her. Her yellow gown, while not as modish as Eleanor's and Mollie's, nor as artistic as the Lawrence girls', yet showed a fine sense of color, and lighted up her pretty, piquant face, which was surmounted by a smooth coil of hair the color of a raven's wing. 61 61 They were an unusually lovely group of girls, and, beyond this, unusually pure-hearted and intelligent. Farr appreciated this the more keenly, perhaps, in that he had seen much of the world in his thirty years of life. Sometimes the old ideals of his boyhood had suffered sadly; but his faith in the gentler sex was too deep-rooted to be easily dispelled, and now all that was noblest and most chivalrous in his nature was awakened by the atmosphere of honesty and sweetness surrounding him. He was brought back to the starting-point of his observations by Helen's voice saying, apologetically: "I am so sorry my sister is so late," and even as she spoke a little hand pushed the portières hastily aside, and Jean stood in the doorway. She glanced impulsively across at Farr, and caught a wicked gleam from his eyes as he advanced to meet her. "'Time, tide, and dinner at the manor wait for no man,'" he quoted maliciously. "That is one advantage in being a woman," she promptly retorted. She was radiant to-night in a gown of silver and blue. From under level brows her eyes shone like stars, and some slight inward tremor of excitement flushed her sweet face with unusual color. Her soft yellow hair was gathered up in a simple coil, little tendrils of it curling upon her forehead and on her neck. "What a bonny little lass she is," thought Farr, surprised by the sudden feeling of tenderness which took possession of him. 62 62 Then dinner was announced, and, with a half cynical smile at his own susceptibility, he pulled himself together, and offered her his arm. "Why, I am quite in the navy, am I not?" she asked archly, as she took her place between Farr and Dudley.