"Here is a good one," cried Dick, when he had partially recovered from his ebullition of mirth: "Here lies the body of Mary Bin, Who having had her little fling, Burst this outer shell of sin, And hatched herself a cherubim." Helen shook her head at Dick in gentle protest. "What will Captain and Mrs. Dodd think of us." she said. "Suppose I should recall one to you all," suggested the captain, with a merry twinkle in his eye. "Please do," they cried in chorus. "He heard the angels calling him, From that celestial shore, He flapped his wings and away he went, To make one angel more." "Splendid," exclaimed Nathalie, with enthusiasm. "Mr. Dudley and Dick are quite in the background." 64 64 "Dick saw his in that charming novel 'Comin' thro' the Rye.'" "Guess I did, Nancy. By Jove, girls," he whispered mischievously, "you are all stunning to-night," and he drew himself up with an air of pride and satisfaction. "You shine in a kind of reflected glory; don't you, Dick?" laughed Nathalie. After dinner they gathered about the great wood fire burning cheerily in the drawing-room. The evening had grown suddenly chill. The wind had veered to the southeast, and the strong sea breeze lowered the temperature by many degrees; a not uncommon