Hungry Hearts
to take from your dear time—to—”

“No—that sounds not good. I’ll begin like this—Mr. Barnes! I can’t give it out in words your kindness, to stop from your high thoughts to—to—”

“No—no! Oi weh! God from the world! Why should it be so hard for me to say to him what I mean? Why shouldn’t I be able to say to him plain out—Mr. Barnes! You are an angel from the sky! You are saving me my life to let me only give a look on you! I’m happier than a bird in the air when I think only that such goodness like you—”

The sudden ring of the bell shattered all her carefully rehearsed phrases and she met his greeting in a flutter of confusion.

“My! Haven’t you blossomed out since last night!” exclaimed Mr. Barnes, startled by Shenah Pessah’s sudden display of color.

“Yes,” she flushed, raising to him her radiant face. “I’m through for always with old women’s shawls. This is my first American dress-up.”

“Splendid! So you want to be an American! The next step will be to take up some work that will bring you in touch with American people.”

“Yes. You’ll help me? Yes?” Her eyes sought his with an appeal of unquestioning reliance.

“Have you ever thought what kind of work you would like to take up?” he asked, when they got out into the street.

“No—I want only to get away from the basement. I’m crazy for people.”

“Would you like to learn a trade in a factory?”

“Anything—anything! I’m burning to learn. Give me only an advice. What?”

“What can you do best with your hands?”

“With the hands the best? It’s all the same what I do with the hands. Think you not maybe now, I could begin already something with the head? Yes?”

“We’ll soon talk this over together, after you have read a book that will tell you how to find out what you are best fitted for.”

When they entered the library, Shenah Pessah halted in awe. “What a stillness full from thinking! So beautiful, it comes on me like music!”

“Yes. This is quite a place,” he acquiesced, 
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