killed himself by overwork. "Now, shall I be cynical and let this thing go, or shall I, like a knight of the Middle Ages, or an adventurous fool of the present, set out in quest of the seed of the Fiery Frenchman? Ciel! I have already decided. It is a floating feather to pursue, an occupation just serious enough for my convalescent state. En route, then, for Acadie," and he closed his eyes and sank into a reverie, which was, after the lapse of an hour, interrupted by the entrance of the colored boy with a handful of papers. "Good boy, Henry," said his master, approvingly. "Mis' Nimmo, she tole me to hurry," said the boy, with a flash of his resplendent ivories, "'cause she never like you to wait for nothing. So I jus' run down to Washington Street." Vesper smiled, and took up one of the folders. "H'm, Evangeline route. The Nova Scotians are[Pg 26] smart enough to make capital out of the poem—Henry, come rub my left ankle, there is some rheumatism in it. What is this? 'The Dominion Atlantic Railway have now completed their magnificent system to the Hub of the Universe by placing on the route between it and Nova Scotia a steamship named after one of the heirs-presumptive of the British throne.' Henry, where is the Hub of the Universe?" [Pg 26] Henry looked up from the hearth-rug. "I dunno, sir; ain't it heaven?" "It ought to be," said the young man; and he went on, "'This steamship is a dream of beauty, with the lines of an exquisite yacht. Her appointments are as perfect as taste and science can suggest, in music-room, dining-room, smoking-room, parlor, staterooms, bathrooms, and all other apartments. The cabinet work is in solid walnut and oak, the softened light falling through domes and panels of stained glass, the upholstery is in figured and other velvets, the tapestries are of silk. There is a perfect cuisine, and a union of comfort and luxury throughout.'" The young man laid down the folder. "How would you like to go to sea in that royal craft, Henry?" "It sounds fine," said the boy, smacking his lips. "No mention is made of seasickness, nor of going[Pg 27] to the bottom. A pity it would be to waste all that finery on the fishes—don't rub quite so hard. Let me see," and he took up the folder again. "What days does she leave? Go to-morrow to the office, Henry, and engage the most comfortable