The King of Gee-Whiz
so have had trouble about getting into the Valley; for every one knows that children are more loved by the Fairies than old people."

"How long will it take to get there now?" asked Lulu.

"That is a hard question to answer," replied the Enchanted Banjo, "but I will sing a little in order to pass away the time." And so the Banjo sang:


The Lobster and the Crab once met

Where all the sand was nice and wet,

And bowing nicely, down they sat

To have a pleasant, friendly chat.


They talked about the weather; next

How with their children they were vexed;

Then said the Crab: "I often fret

About the Rules of Etiquette."

"Now I," the Lobster said, "am, too,

Disturbed by it the same as you.

I do not like these folks who say

One should act thus, or talk this way.

"My nature is, indeed, mine own;

Why, if the King called from his throne

For me to go ahead, he'd find

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