For even as Stephen spoke, two of the apprentices had darted through the half-closed gate, and run swiftly forward into the gloom of the night. Stephen swore an oath. "The rogues!" he cried. "They were [pg 36] to have worked all night to finish an image of Our Lady! And now I shall see no more of them till to-morrow! They shall pay for their prank then, by heaven they shall!" But the Commandant laughed. [pg 36] "I am sorry I can't catch them for you, friend Stephen," said he, "but I have other fish to fry. Well, boys will be boys. Don't be too hard on them when they return." "They must answer for what they do," said Stephen; and the Commandant rode on and the gates were shut. Then the Princess Osra said: "Will they escape, Stephen?" "They have money in their purses, love in their hearts, and an angry King behind them. I should travel quickly, madame, if I were so placed." The Princess looked through the grating of the gate. "Yes," she said, "they have all those. How happy they must be, Stephen! But what am I to do?" Stephen made no answer and they walked back in silence to his house. It may be that they were wondering whether Prince Henry and the Countess would escape. Yet it may be that they thought of something else. When they reached the house, [pg 37] Stephen bade the Princess go into the inner room and resume her own dress that she might return to the palace, and that it might not be known where she had been nor how she had aided her brother to evade the King's prohibition; and when she, still strangely silent, went in as he bade her, he took his great staff in his hand, and stood on the threshold of the house, his head nearly touching the lintel and his shoulders filling almost all the space between door-post and door-post. [pg 37] "stephen stood on the threshold with his staff in his hand."—Page 37. stephen stood on the threshold with his staff in his hand. When he had stood there a little while, the same Sergeant of the Guard, recollecting (now that