The Heart of Princess Osra

"He walked with his head down and his eyes on the ground" 171


"He took it and drained it" 204


"On either side of it sat the priest of the village and the Miller of Hofbau" 215


"'Forgive me, forgive me!'" 252


"A young man sprang up, and, with a low bow, drew aside to let her pass" 259


"'You are the beauty of the world,' he answered smiling" 263


The Heart of Princess Osra.


The Happiness of Stephen the Smith.

"Stephen! Stephen! Stephen!"


The impatient cry was heard through all the narrow gloomy street, where the old richly-carved house-fronts bowed to meet one another and left for the eye's comfort only a bare glimpse of blue. It was, men said, the oldest street in Strelsau, even as the sign of the "Silver Ship" was the oldest sign known to exist in the city. For when Aaron Lazarus the Jew came there, seventy years before, he had been the tenth man in unbroken line that took up the business; and now Stephen 
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