The Gay Triangle: The Romance of the First Air Adventurers
German heart, the guard, accompanied by a wardress, made its final inspection for the night. A few minutes after the big prison was as silent as the grave.

Half an hour later Yvette cautiously fitted the key into the lock. It had been well oiled, and the door swung open without a sound. Creeping down the flight of steps Yvette found that the key also opened the door at the bottom, and in a moment she was in the yard.

Rain was falling heavily. There was not a ray of light in the yard excepting a faint gleam which showed the position of the warders’ lodges.

Before leaving her cell Yvette had pulled her stockings over her boots, and moving without a sound she groped her way along the wall. A few feet from the door she found the big stackpipe which brought the rain water from the roof. Stooping she lifted the iron grid of the drain and thrust in her hand. Her fingers closed on the butt end of the gas pistol.

Silently, following along the wall in preference to crossing the courtyard, she stole towards the lodge. Complete surprise was essential.

With the pistol ready in her hand, she softly opened the door of the lodge on the right of the gateway. Luck was with her again. The two men, in defiance of rules, were in the same lodge talking quietly.

The noise of the door opening brought them to their feet with a jump. But they were too late. Only ten feet away from them Yvette pulled the trigger twice in rapid succession. There was no more noise than a slight hiss as the gas escaped and the two men dropped insensible. Snatching up a bunch of keys from the table, Yvette herself half-stifled, quickly got outside and closed the door. A moment later she had opened the wicket-gate and slipped through. She almost fell into the arms of Jules and Gaston, and at top speed the three raced through the rain for Gaston’s farm.

Luckily, the pouring rain swiftly obliterated their footprints, but they had hardly got into hiding, wet through but triumphant, when pandemonium broke out in the prison, and the frantic ringing of the big bell announced the escape of a prisoner. The two warders, of course, had speedily recovered, and hastened to tell their story, and a quick search had revealed that Yvette’s cell was empty. A few minutes later search parties were hurrying in every direction in pursuit of the fugitive.

Gaston’s farm, lying close to the prison, was naturally one of the first places to be visited. 
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