[Pg 53]“Hole on,—jes one ax at er time—let de lady have de fus time, caze you’se Mammy’s man. Now den, ax yer sayso, Ma’y Van.” [Pg 53] “Did Miss Gully turn to a hen?” “She done bin eat up long ergo ef she did,” then turning to Willis, “Whut’s Mammy’s man got ter ax?” “I want to know how Abe turned to a goose.” “Abe didn’t hatt’r turn ter no goose ertall, caze de Lawd done alreddy born’d him er goose.—Come on now, an’ less play in de yard.” [Pg 54] [Pg 54] [Pg 55] [Pg 55] IIIJACK O’ LANTERN AND THE GLOW WORM [Pg 56] [Pg 56] [Pg 57]“Mammy, you cut m’ Jack-my-Lantern for me.” Willis was struggling to carve features in a huge pumpkin. [Pg 57] “I tole yer ter let Zeek make dat foolish lookin’ thing,” grumbled Phyllis, faithfully striving however to cut the pumpkin according to Willis’s instructions. “Make Mary Van one too,” he demanded. “I got one,” and Mary Van blew into the kitchen door with a gust of chilly wind, “and Papa’s made a pretty one for you too, Willis—ain’t you glad?” “Whut you all think dem Jacky-Lanterns[Pg 58] is enyhow?” Phyllis asked with an air of mystery. [Pg 58]