The Secret MarkAn Adventure Story for Girls
the young man's hand was in his pocket. The two girls shrank back in fear. But the thing he took from his pocket was a small book, apparently a check book. Speaking, he held the check book toward the old man. The old man shook his head. This touch of drama was repeated three times. Then, with a disappointed look on his face, the young man replaced the book, turned to the chair on which his hat and coat rested, put them on, said good night to the old man, bowed to the child and was gone.

The two girls, after stretching their cramped limbs, made their way safely to the sidewalk. "Who--who was he?" whispered Florence through chattering teeth. "R. Stanley Ramsey." "Not the rich Ramsey?" "His son." "What did he want?" "I don't know," said Lucile, "but it may be that we have found the man higher up, the real criminal. It may be that this rich young fellow is getting them to steal the books so he can buy them cheap."

Lucile told of the incident regarding the copy of "The Compleat Angler." "He said he thought he knew where there was another copy. Don't you see, he may have gotten the girl to steal it. And now he comes for it and is disappointed because they haven't got it for him."

"It might be," said Florence doubtfully, "but it doesn't seem probable, does it? He must have plenty of money." "Perhaps his father doesn't give him a large allowance. Then, again, perhaps, he thinks such things are smart. They say that some rich men's sons are that way. There's something that happened in there though that I don't understand. He--"

"Hist," whispered Florence, dragging her into a slow walk; "here comes the child." Once more they saw the slim wisp of a girl steal out like a ghost into the night.

CHAPTER X MYSTERIES OF THE SEA The trail over which the mystery child led them that night revealed nothing. Indeed, she eluded them, escaping the moment she left the elevated train at a down town station.

"Nothing to do but go home," said Florence in a disappointed tone.

"Oh, well, cheer up," smiled Lucile. "We've had a new chapter added to our mystery, as well as a whole new character who promises to become interesting. But look, Florence," she whispered suddenly. "No, don't stare, just glance down toward the end of the platform. See that man?"

"The one with his collar turned up and with his back to us?"


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