HEROD It may be he is drunk with the wine of God. HERODIAS What wine is that, the wine of God? From what vineyards is it gathered? In what wine-press may one find it? HEROD [From this point he looks all the while at Salomé.] Tigellinus, when you were at Rome of late, did the Emperor speak with you on the subject of...? TIGELLINUS On what subject, sire? HEROD On what subject? Ah! I asked you a question, did I not? I have forgotten what I would have asked you. HERODIAS You are looking again at my daughter. You must not look at her. I have already said so. HEROD You say nothing else. HERODIAS I say it again. HEROD And that restoration of the Temple about which they have talked so much, will anything be done? They say the veil of the Sanctuary has disappeared, do they not? HERODIAS