[8] Alice. But, Michael, see you do it cunningly. Michael. Why, say I should be took, I’ll ne’er confess That you know anything; and Susan, being a maid, May beg me from the gallows of the sheriff. Alice. Trust not to that, Michael. Michael. You cannot tell me, I have seen it, I. 170 170 But, mistress, tell her, whether I live or die, I’ll make her more worth than twenty painters can; For I will rid mine elder brother away, And then the farm of Bolton is mine own. Who would not venture upon house and land, When he may have it for a right down blow? Alice. Yonder comes Mosbie. Michael, get thee gone, And let not him nor any know thy drifts. Mosbie, my love! Mosbie. Away, I say, and talk not to me now. 180 180 Alice. A word or two, sweet heart, and then I will.