Thou and Susan shall be married. Mosbie. And I’ll make her dowry more than I’ll talk of, Clarke. Clarke. Yonder’s your husband. Mosbie, I’ll be gone. 290 290 [13] Alice. In good time see where my husband comes. Master Mosbie, ask him the question yourself. Mosbie. Master Arden, being at London yesternight, The Abbey lands, whereof you are now possessed, Were offered me on some occasion By Greene, one of Sir Antony Ager’s men: I pray you, sir, tell me, are not the lands yours? Hath any other interest herein? Arden. Mosbie, that question we’ll decide anon. Alice, make ready my breakfast, I must hence. 300 300 As for the lands, Mosbie, they are mine By letters patents from his Majesty. But I must have a mandate for my wife; They say you seek to rob me of her love: