Crossed Trails in MexicoMexican Mystery Stories #3
and Florence burst into giggles at the funny sight of Jo Ann holding the iron in midair.

"Stop giggling, sillies, and do something, quick. This iron's getting hot, and I'm getting tired holding it. Get that table over there and put it up here on the bed. Hurry!"

The two girls rushed over to the table, jerked off the water pitcher and glasses, and then carried it over and lifted it on top of the bed. The iron still hung at least two feet above the table.

"Oh gee!" wailed Jo Ann. "Get something else to put on top of the table. Step on it! Don't run around in circles like a puppy after its tail, Peg."

"Thanks for the beautiful comparison," Peggy grinned. "You're equally funny looking yourself, springing up and down on that bed every time you move."

"Can't help springing. It's the springiest bed in all Texas."

By that time Florence had brought over the low luggage stool and placed it on top of the table. But even with its added height there were several inches between it and the iron.

"There's nothing else to put on top of that--except the dresser," called out Peggy between giggles. "Oh yes, maybe the telephone book'll help." She ran over with it and several magazines and piled them on top of the luggage stand.

"Attaboy!" Jo Ann ejaculated triumphantly as she set the iron down on the magazines. "Now bring me something for an ironing-board cover and the dresses."

In a few more minutes she was ironing away energetically, swaying back and forth in her efforts to keep her balance on the springy bed. "Stop staring at me and giggling and get dressed, you sillies. What's so funny now?""I was just wondering what the manager'd say if he'd come in and catch
you ironing," grinned Peggy. "It's against the rules to iron in a
room--at least, it is in all the hotels I've ever heard of."Jo Ann flushed guiltily. Noticing that the sliding wood panel of the door
was down and that someone might be able to peer between the slats of the
blinds at the screened top, she implored Peggy to slide the panel up.
Peggy obediently pushed the panel up as commanded, but no sooner had she
turned away than it slipped down with a crash like a pistol shot.Both girls jumped in alarm, and Jo Ann almost tumbled off the bed."Now we're in for it!" Jo Ann gasped. "Someone'll think we're shooting in
here and will come to investigate. Shove that panel up again--quick. Push

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