Crossed Trails in MexicoMexican Mystery Stories #3
From then on they watched the mountains become more and more distinct, the deep purple changing into a soft, mauve-tinted gray, while the distant ranges gradually came into view, their lofty majestic peaks cloud-wreathed.

When at last they reached the main paved highway, Miss Prudence's expression brightened. "Thank my stars we're on a good road at last!"

"Oh boy! What a road!" cried Jo Ann as she turned into the smooth-paved highway.

The miles seemed to fly by, and almost before she realized it they had reached the first mountain range and begun to climb the walled-in highway which wound back and forth up the mountain side.

So intent was Jo Ann upon keeping the car close to the cliffs, she could catch only fleeting glimpses of the valley below and of the road beyond as it threaded its way higher and higher. The other four, however, had plenty of time to drink in the majestic beauty of the scenery.

Several times Miss Prudence became alarmed over Jo Ann's ability to manage Jitters and started to caution her, but each time Peggy broke in with such warm praises of Jo Ann's driving that she subsided. "Jo never lets her nerves run away with her," Peggy declared. "She always keeps her head in emergencies, like the good scout that she is."

"She may be able to keep her nerves from running away, but can she keep this old Ford from running amuck?" Miss Prudence came back sharply.

"Sure. Jitters is hitting on all four--humming along like a--well, maybe not like a Cadillac, exactly, but at least like a much better car."

In spite of Peggy's encouragement Miss Prudence did not cease to be nervous till they reached a more level stretch.

When at last they came in sight of the city, the girls' and Carlitos's excitement reached the boiling point.

"Now I can speak de Spanish in de city," exulted Carlitos, oblivious of Miss Prudence's frown.

"Oh, don't you hope the band plays tonight so we can promenade around the Plaza?" exclaimed Peggy. "That's the most fun! The lovely music--those beautiful dark-eyed seƱoritas--and, oh, those handsome men! Light of my eyes! Pride of my heart!" Peggy placed her hand over her heart in a ridiculously exaggerated gesture that sent Florence into peals of laughter.

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