The Flying Death
particularly long, lean and unprepossessing knives which he cherishes so fondly.” 

 “You don’t really think,” said Miss Ravenden in concern, “that there is any——” 

 “Figure of speech,” interrupted Haynes. “But the man certainly isn’t normal. I’ll have to trace his movements of yesterday evening. First, however, I’ll have a look at that sheep.” 

 “Surely the Portuguese had nothing to do with that? Why should he kill a harmless animal?” 

 “There is such a thing as murderous mania,” said Haynes after some hesitation. 

 Here Professor Ravenden entered. “I had rather a strange experience yesterday evening,” he said. 

 “Did you hear the sheep too?” asked Colton eagerly. 

 “Not unless sheep fly, sir. What it was I heard I should be glad to have explained. To liken it to a rasping hinge of great size would hardly give a proper idea of its animate quality; yet I can find no better simile. Were any of the local inhabitants given to nocturnal aeronautics, however, I should unhesitatingly aver that they had passed close over me not half an hour since, and that their machinery needed oiling.” 

 “I have heard such a noise,” said Haynes quietly. “Did it affect you unpleasantly?” 

 “No, sir. I cannot say it did. But it roused my interest. I shall make a point of pursuing it further.” 

 “Miss Johnston is calling us to breakfast,” said Colton. 

 “I’m just going to take a quick jump to the beach and a glimpse at the sheep,” said Haynes, and a moment later they saw him passing on his horse. 

 From her place at the head of the breakfast-table Helga Johnston called Dr. Colton to sit next to her, and while talking to him kept one eye on the door. Presently in came Miss Ravenden. 

 “Come up to this end, Dolly,” called Helga. “I want to introduce to you our new guest. Dr. Colton, Miss Ravenden.” 

 “Dr. Colton and I already have——” began Dorothy. 

 “I was fortunate enough to find Miss Ravenden—-” said the confused Dick in the same breath. 

 “Dr. Colton,” continued Helga, cutting them both off, 
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