George Selbitz: Good luck, Goetz! Victory! Victory! How did you fare? Selbitz: Goetz: To George and Lerse I owe my life; I was off my horse when they came to the rescue. I have their flag and a few prisoners. Goetz: Selbitz: Lerse saved me, too. See what work he has done here! Selbitz: Goetz: Good luck, Lerse! And God bless my George's first brave deed! Now back to the castle, and let us gather our scattered men. Goetz: [Pg 10] [Pg 10] Act IV Act IV CONTENTS Scene I.—Jaxthausen. A small room. Marie and Sickingen. Scene I. Marie Sickingen Sickingen: You may smile, but I felt the desire to possess you when you first looked upon me with your blue eyes, when you were with your mother at the Diet of Speier. I have long been separated from you; but that wish remained, with the memory of that glance. Sickingen: