Sally Scott of the WAVES
They pitched into that job once more and had been working for some time when he said: “By the way, did you have a class tonight?”

“Yes, from eight to nine.”

“Never mind then, it’s nine now.”

“Oh!” she exclaimed. “I must go! I’ll get a black mark. Unhook my radio and let me go.”

“There you are,” he said a moment later, as he handed her the radio, “but you’ll be back?”

“Oh! Sure! It’s been exciting. Just think what it will mean if we really do something big with old C. K.’s radio.”

“I have been thinking,” he replied soberly. “Just keep trying, and mum’s the word. We’ll get there yet!”


During the week-days that followed, there were no more long night trysts over the secret radio. Sally had a record to maintain. She had resolved at the very beginning to be one of the best WAVES ever entrusted with a job in Communications. She had decided, too, to move heaven and earth to get a spot on some ship sailing the seven seas. She knew quite well that the best way to get what you want is to earn it. Classes must always come first.

For all that, she and Danny did each day spend one glorious twilight hour working away at the secret radio. When Saturday night came, the WAVES one free night, Nancy joined them, and working both radios at once, they really went places and did things. Using both radios, they spotted as many as eight broadcasters of the mysterious pack on a single night.

“Are they really enemy subs?” Nancy asked.

“Who knows?” was all Danny would say. “If they are we’ve really got something.”

“But they may be cargo ships in a convoy or airplanes going to Europe,” said Nancy. “Then why don’t we ask our Communications people in Washington whether they are using that wave-length.”

“Two good reasons,” Danny grinned. “We don’t know the wave-length we’re using and if we did the folks in Washington wouldn’t tell us.”

“Probably send an F. B. I. agent to look us up,” Sally said. “No, dearie! We’ve got to work it out all by ourselves.”

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