Sally Scott of the WAVES
Sally and Nancy were sent to the beautiful campus of a great mid-western university where they would learn much more about radio and communications. Barbara was shipped off to a big airport to receive her final training in the art of rigging parachutes. Danny remained behind, but not for long. The autumn winds would soon whisk him away to new fields of adventure and duty.

Both Sally and Nancy had dreamed of attending some truly great university. And, at last, here they were. But for how long? Just long enough to make you efficient in your chosen field, was the precise answer. “And always remember, your services are badly needed right now. Good communications and radio men are scarce. They are badly needed overseas.”

“But won’t we two be sent overseas?” Nancy asked of the major who gave them the information.

“That remains to be seen. However, one thing is certain, no WAVE will be sent overseas until she has perfected herself in her particular branch, and has served long enough at one of our bases here in America to prove that she will be a valuable addition to our Navy, either aboard ship or overseas.”

“Right here is where I forget this Gothic architecture, the shady walks, the cozy nooks that help to make this big school what it is,” Sally said, as a look of determination spread over her face. “I’m going to work and study day and night, for we are in the Navy now.”

“I’m right behind you,” Nancy agreed. “All the same, when this terrible scrap is over, I’m coming right back here and be a regular student as long as I please. And believe me, I’m going to have all the trimmings—class dances, proms, shady walks and all the rest.”

“Shake on that.” Sally held out her hand. That handshake was a solemn ceremony.

“And now to business.”

From that time on their heads were bent, for long hours, over study desks, radios, clattering keys.

Their day was not done when darkness fell, nor their week when Saturday rolled round. They did not, like Barbara, hide under the covers to study with a flashlight when night came. They rented bicycles for the entire period of their stay at the university. On many a night farmers saw strange lights winking and blinking from one hill to another in their pastures. Sally and Nancy were practicing the light-blinking code they had studied that day. Twice they were reported as spies, but nothing came of it for they never returned to the same pasture 
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